Use burn heal cream to treat bedsores caused by nutritional deficiencies
Among skin antibacterial products, burn heal cream has always been favored by patients with skin problems. It can well solve the skin problems of victims of bedsores caused by nutritional deficiency.
Bed ulcers, also called pressure ulcers and force ulcers, are caused by long-term compression of local tissues, resulting in continuous ischemia, hypoxia, and malnutrition, resulting in tissue ulceration and necrosis. The use of burn heal cream in the rehabilitation and care of skin pressure ulcers is a common problem.

Systemic nutritional deficiency, muscle atrophy, and lack of protection in stressed areas, such as long-term fever and cachexia.
Systemic nutritional disorders, insufficient nutritional intake, decreased protein synthesis, negative nitrogen balance, decreased subcutaneous fat, and muscle atrophy. Once compressed, the skin at the bone protuberance must withstand external pressure and the squeezing force of the bone protuberance on the skin. The lack of protection of muscle and adipose tissue in the compressed area causes blood circulation disorders and pressure sores.

IShanCare is a company that concentrates on the research and development of burn heal cream, strictly controls the quality of products, shapes a team of professional doctors, provides users with scientific and professional nursing knowledge, and ensures that users can prescribe the right medicine to the disease and use the medicine safely. The main product burn heal cream, if you need to consult or purchase, please contact us.